God hates Trigonometry

Got a religion? Feel you missed out on the whole Intelligent Design wave? Don’t despair. There’s no need to start disbelieving in Biology to stay in with the crowd.

Join the Anti-Trigonometry Movement (ATM)* and stay ahead of the pack at Uncommon Descent with their antiquated anti-biology views.

Fighting the pernicious godless mathematics is the real priority.

Is there any mention of trig in the Bible? I think not.

Why God hates Trig

Baffled by trigonometry at school? You aren’t alone. Trigonometry is too complex to have been developed by mere human agency. This proves that it was directly invented by God.

As only God can do trig, human attempts at it are clearly blasphemous. It was your innate anti-blasphemy sense that was telling you not to do it.

See how deeply sin has wormed its way into the demonic practice.


Need I say more?

“Cosine”. Its actually stuffed with sin and it implies at least two people banding together to do it (Compare with co-ed, for example.)

This is a family-friendly blog so I am not even going to mention the hypotenuse or theodolites. (Details in plain wrapper)

Did your mathematics teacher make you recite meaningless things like “Olive has a house of ants” Mnemonics, my a^se. That is a call to Beelzebub and s/he knew it.

Has any of your vaunted science ever managed to disprove that Satan invented trig to test our faith?

* Remember, the ATM is your weapon in the war against godless mathematics. Your donations are always welcome here at ATM. Just send your bank details and pin number. You know you want to.

Lord Rees-Mogg Rightwing Hypocrisy Shock

But then again, would you expect anything different from Lord Rees-Mogg? For some odd reason, the Times Online blog area subtitles his blog with:

Wisdom online from Lord Rees-Mogg, Times columnist and former editor

Blimey. Do they have a different meaning for the word Wisdom?

Anyway, in an outpouring of idiocy I have only just stumbled upon (it is from May), Lord Rees-Mogg shows that he is no coward when it comes to hypocritically reversing his viewpoint when it his “kind” of person who gets targeted. Titled “Bring Back the Prima Facie Test” it gives an insight into the double standards that rightwing hate-mongers love to live with. This article begins:

After 9/11 Britain signed a Treaty with the United States to make extradition easier. That was a natural response to the threat of terrorism. However, the Treaty has not been used against terrorists, but against a number of businessmen. There is now a fear of American extradition, which has led to the suicide of Neil Coulbeck, an innocent witness in the NatWet case.

This pretty much says it all. Lord Rees-Mogg was one of the pundits clamouring for harsher laws and reduced burdens of proof following the 11 Sep attack, and this increased after the 7 Jul attacks in London. Prior to this extradition treaty, a nation which wanted to extradite a UK citizen for trial had to provide sufficient evidence that a “reasonable person” would find the accused guilty – this is a lower standard of proof than is required during an actual trial and it can get a bit confusing. Even Lord RM writes: (Emphasis mine)

Prima facie is not a very high standard of proof; it only requires that evidence should be produced on which a reasonable man could think the accused was guilty of a crime. Yet it is a very important protection.

Yes, it is a very important protection. The idea that a citizen of this country can be sent abroad to face trial without the requestion nation providing this basic level of evidence is horrific. Any citizen. Remember (and this is important) a terrorist suspect is an innocent person. They are protected by the same rights which protect every one else. It has been stressed time and time again that removing the rights from one group of innocent people removes them from everyone. This seems to have been overlooked by the jingoistic right wingers.

I can only assume that, Lord Rees-Mogg assumed that this change to the treaty (“a natural response to the threat of terrorism“) would only impact those guilty of terrorism. That these people would be extradited without sufficient evidence to pass the basic prima facie test was ignored, because lets be honest here, the people getting extradited were going to be a bit, erm, different, than Rees-Mogg’s circle of people. Who cares if a few swarthy characters from lower income groups get sent to illegal detentions eh?

I can only sympathise with the family of Mr Coulbeck and my heart goes out to them for their loss. I do notice, though, that Lord Rees-Mogg has passed sufficient judgement on him (“an innocent witness“) to make me question why he would kill himself rather than provide evidence at a trial. Is it because he was actually a suspect – placing him in the same “innocent suspect” category as the potential terrorists this legislation was aimed at? Lord RM writes:

British businessmen do not trust American criminal law because of plea bargaining, in which the horrors of some American prisons are used as a threat to impel people to plead guilty in return for an agreed sentence. The difference between a possible fifty years in a violent prison and two years in a country camp can be a very compelling argument.

Well, blimey. If British businessmen – with access to lawyers and political support – do not trust the American criminal justice system what hope is there for some one on terrorist charges? Plea bargaining has no place in any justice system but that is a topic for another day, and can you imagine the amount of bargaining which would be taking place if someone was accused of terrorism. Under duress (i.e. threat of execution, threat of years in a borderline legal detention centre etc) people will say anything they think will help themselves. This means people will lie, will implicate innocent people, anything. If businessmen are scared that other businessmen will burn them to avoid huge fines, imagine what people will do and say to avoid the death penalty or a life in Camp X-Ray’s descendants… With a stunning skill of stating the obvious, Lord RM adds to one of his paragraphs:

… Counter terrorist laws, and laws against organised crime can apply to ordinary businessmen, and frame the judgment of business transactions.

Who would have thought it eh? Laws apply to every one. If you make something illegal for terrorists, it becomes illegal for every one else as well. Wow. This touches on another topic which should wait for a rainy day – should businesses and businessmen be treated differently from “ordinary” citizens in the eyes of the law? Corporate actions can destroy the lives of millions, leave countless numbers bankrupt and in poverty and even result in countless deaths (or does it no longer count when they are in, say, India?). Despite this, there is still the idea it is a bit of a “victimless crime” and not something the government and police should be interested in. In fact (if you read most right wing rhetoric) they should spend more time stopping that poor youth robbing the equally poor little old lady and let the big businesses get on with the job of robbing everyone.

With a final burst of hypocrisy, Lord Rees-Mogg concludes with:

I do not know whether the 2003 Act is compatible with Human Rights law, but I should have thought not. We should bring back the prima facie evidence requirement, which still governs extradition to the vast majority of countries.

For once I agree with the Lord, but for vastly different reasons. It is entertaining to read someone like Lord Rees-Mogg citing Human Rights law to defend his opinion, normally it is a diatribe about how human rights are a farce and how the UK should withdraw from the agreements to uphold the laws.

Still, is anyone really surprised when a hate filled rightwing windbag displays masses of hypocrisy when it comes to their “chums?”

10 Best Blogs on WYDBs Blogroll

Flattered (not to mention amused at having become one composite blog being) by getting included on the Exterminator’s ten favourite blogs, we thought we’d turn it into a meme. Without all the meme stuff of having to tag x people and name your favourite band or say who’s your most admired atheist celeb.

Our favourites are mainly atheist blogs, although we aren’t very devout atheist bloggers. I mean there’s only so much you can say about not believing in something that doesn’t exist. So, we’ve picked sites that are all-round enjoyable & wise and say more than “I’m an atheist.” Mainly, they are just really funny.

Being human, we’ve tended to pick sites that we usually agree with. Or can at least have enjoyable rational disagreement with and can learn from.

We tried to stick to ten. They are partly randomly selected, on the basis that these are the blogs that we’ve recently remembered to visit regularly. Old favourites that haven’t been brought to mind, because their little names haven’t popped up on the atheist blogroll or planet atheism or planet humanism have just got ignored. By accident. So apologies in advance if we’ve missed off some brilliant blog we just didn’t think of today. When we have come up with ten more favourites there’ll be another post. It was going to be in alphabetic order, but that seemed boring…

No More Hornets did this first, so the Exterminator is getting mentioned first. Great blog. Among his many charms, he has been consistently dryly funny on atheist silliness. Long objecting to the search for an atheist logo, he has still managed to come up with one of his own, which at least has the merit of saying Atheist.

I’M an Atheist. YOU can be one, too!
Send for your free badge NOW.

He recently ran a “student” post in an avowed attempt to match Pharyngula’s prodigious output. A fair percentage of the commenters assumed these were real kids. Some comments managed to sound so much like the atheist blogs he’d parodied a couple of weeks before that it was hard to believe these weren’t parodies too.

It is annoying to read something that is crying out for a blog and then to find that it’s been done so much better by the Exterminator.

The next one here (though the order isn’t going to imply anything) is my This-Week’s-Favourite blog, Happy Jihad’s House of Pancakes. Some of Bing’s writing is so good it would make you want to amputate your own hands to stop you trying to communicate with words. I am going to resist the temptation to quote things, as it’s all in the context. All the same, I’m going to quote a use of graphics instead. Railing against Rush Limbaugh, he says:

Let me express myself in stick figure form: Stickman banging head

A bit further on, he says

But you haven’t established the facts yet…I mean you just said so! I now need to express myself in mountain goat form: Goats banging heads

Bah. This post is seemingly going on for ever. I’ll try to be more concise.

Black Sun Journal is intimidatingly authoritative on subjects like climate change. Magisterial, even. It feels like every word has been chosen with a magnifying glass and scalpel. Even his diagrams are brilliant. If Black Sun has written a post on some topic, there’s probably nothing left for unascended mortals to say.

Clioaudio is the same, He posts on “Ancient History, Archaeology and Archaeoastronomy through a Skeptic’s Eyes.” You can find endless surprising and fascinating things here. His writing style is very light. The words just ooze subtly over you, so sometimes you have to think again about what he’s just said.

Archaeology Magazine are running an interesting poll at the moment:
The tombs of so many of history’s great leaders are lost.
Which other ruler would you most like to see discovered?

That’s an easy one to answer I know which unseen tomb I’d like to find. It’s more difficult if you specify that the leader should already be dead, but I think I have an answer for that too.

I’m doing really poorly with this whole “being concise” thing. And I’m running out of ways to say “great blog, love it.” The next few are long-term favourites. I think I need a Flickr style trophy logo from now on, so I don’t need to use as many words. Here it is:
Look at the sites and you’ll see how good they are.

Hell’s Handmaiden’s blog has lots of brief enraged and completely-to-the-point rants, like this one on torture. trophy

Spanish Inquisition doesn’t just have a great top logo – although it does – but it also has some excellent posts, like this one on Things I’m getting tired of hearing.trophy

I’m still not making these fit in. I am going to have to start running them together and put some more detail in future blogs. Picking “ten” favourites was a demented choice. I am so much regretting it.

Skepticum trophy, Evolutionary Middleman, trophy Deep Thoughts trophy are also great.

Having a quick scan for a post to feature here, I just realised that Evo-mid, like many of the blogs on this list, seems to have decided to adopt the No More Hornets Atheist logo. I hope the Exterminator doesn’t start selling atheist breakfast cereal, because that shape just wont translate well to a corn and wheat format.

Sorry, I squashed the last three up to make room for a last word for our atheist (no)godparent Nullifidian. Sadly, he’s not posting as often as he used to, he even disappeared altogether for a good while. But, when he blogs, you can bet that it’s going to be really funny, with either a unique subject or a unique personal take on something.

TV nanny sent to naughty step

It gives me no pleasure to report that Channel 4 are investigating the qualifications of its TV nanny, according to Guardian.. Well, OK. I lied. Yes it does. It gives me huge pleasure. 🙂

This woman has been on television giving horrific instructions to parents about leaving babies to cry and limiting cuddle time to ten minutes a day. And so on. Fashions change drastically in how to relate to your children. The 1930s “Truby King” style neglect is the most pernicious parenting fashion ever.

New parents are scared and open to any outside influences that claim to have the answer to their difficulties. TV experts that seem to have a simple answer are an obvious resource for people who may not have friends or family who can help. Sadly, these answers are s^ite. It is dog-training for humans.

So. Wahay. It’s great to see yet another spurious telly “expert” on life have the basis of their expertise challenged. (Cf Gillian McKeith, et al.) Let’s see the TV nanny sent to her room, please.