El Reg has an interesting article on Google and how its ranking system is, effectively a black art. For a company which claims to “do no evil” it is bizarre how closed they keep their methods – surely shining the light of openness on how they work would be the “good” thing to do. While it might increase the risk of black hat SEO working, surely it would make it easier for everyone else as well. Why does the Google Search Ranking algorithm have to be a secret? Read more at: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/11/19/google_hand_of_god/
Tag Archives: asides
Slow Blog
Quick apology to site visitors. For some reason the blog is very slow at the moment. 1and1 dont have any worthwhile status pages, so I can’t check if it is server problems. Please be patient. Thanks.
Atheist Blogroll
Quick question: Is the atheist blogroll broken on everyone else’s site? It has been about a week or so since I have seen it update here and show what blogs have new content. Is this a general problem? Of the sites I have checked today, all show the blogroll as static but with a different sequence of newly updated blogs so I cant for the life of me work out where the break is.
Null return
In case you’ve missed it on the blogroll, the ever funny, witty and well versed Nullifidian has posted again! Hopefully this is a sign he is back to blogging. Please take a moment to pop over there and say welcome back.