Sorry, Rowan Williams

I have now been forcibly convinced that this blog blithely joined the rest of the UK – wow, does this mean we’ve finally grown up – in misrepresenting what Rowan Williams said  about shari’a law.

I am tempted to  blame the BBC, to let myself off the ethical hook. “I was just following the BBC story. They are supposed to be objective and accurate……” This is a lame excuse, of course, especially as the BBC story  did have a link to his actual speech. (I tried to read it and it was too boring after a brief skim.)

All the more reason to plug season 5 of the Wire with its (so far) great treatment of the role of the press in misleading us all.  (Maybe I should start listening to my own words, sometimes.)

What would Jesus eat?

How did I miss this? It’s a 3 years out-of-date news item on the BBC website’s health section.

Americans look to Jesus for a diet
Five loaves, two fish and a goblet of red wine could be on the menu for Americans if a new diet takes off

(Sorry, Americans, but this is the sort of thing we’re told is normal for you. Just when we’re feeling bad about the xenophobic national stereotyping, some of you go and vote Huckabee back into the running.)

Don Colbert, a Florida doctor, published a diet book that is based on the food in the Bible.

He says: “If you truly want to follow Jesus in every area of your life you cannot ignore your eating habits.”

Well, if there are any over-enthusiastic fundamentalists reading this, it seems to mean that you should stick to kosher foods and just eat bread, fish and lentils.

In anorexically small portions, if you only get a five-thousandth share of five loaves and a couple of fishes. Now that is one harsh diet.

Still, at least you can replace all your water with wine. There’s always an upside.