Issues about “free speech”

The story about the teacher arrested in the Sudan for letting kids call a bear Mohammed is too obvious a blog topic for an atheist blog so I’m ignoring it. Someone else is bound to do it better. I bet on Nullifidian and, oh yes,it turns out that he’s he’s done it.

I’m going with the more complex question of the BNP and David Irving getting to speak at the Oxford Union. (The links are to Wikipedia, by the way. :-))

To his great credit, a Conservative MP has resigned from the Oxford Union because of this. A Conservative MP no less. Dr David Lewis who makes some great points, so I’m quoting what he said to the BBC.

The MP, who studied at Balliol and St Antony’s colleges, said the right to free speech should not guarantee access to privileged platforms.
“Nothing which happens in Monday’s debate can possibly offset the boost you are giving to a couple of scoundrels who can put up with anything except being ignored,” he said.
“It is sheer vanity on your part to imagine that any argument you deploy, or any vote you carry will succeed in causing them damage.

He is supported by Trevor Phillips, who it’s less embarrassing to agree with, but I think the Tory makes the best point.

Freedom of speech is not the same as access to privileged fora for disseminating your ideas. The Oxford Union is a respected debating chamber. Being invited to speak at the Oxford Union gives one’s views a level of authority that doesn’t come from publishing hate-filled leaflets and getting your party’s name tattooed on the back of a fool’s neck – the forms of public expression normally associated with the BNP – or publishing fake historical holocaust-denying books – David Irving’s claim to fame.

Do I have some controversial opinions? Well, yes. Has the Oxford Union been bothering me with constant requests to take part in its debates? Strangely, no. Will I EVER be invited to share my wit and wisdom with Oxford undergraduates? Blatantly, no.

I am all for free speech. In order to cut down the number of things about the world that drive me to despair I keep trying to blot out how many journalists and bloggers are prevented from expressing their opinions, including those imprisoned or put to death for speaking out.

I don’t think the Oxford Union is a free speech issue. The right to be given a national and international platform for your views has nothing to do with a right to free speech.

Just because you believe in a principle of freedom of expression doesn’t mean you have to provide an arena for anyone who wants to express themselves. (You can’t even post an unwelcome comment on a fellow blogger’s site because most blogs moderate comments and refuse to print ones that they find to be offensive or spam.) The Oxford Union made this decision.

The only person who comes out of this well is a bloody Tory MP ffs. What is the world coming to? 🙂

A quick check on the BBC shows that protestors have forced their way into the building and it looks as if this farce won’t take place after all. Let’s hope.