Give the public what they want

Based on the top Google searches that brought stray readers here today, there would be zillions of visitors to any post that referred to:

* morris dancers or morris dancing
* schwarzenegger
* adam curtis or charlie brooker
* quiche gay
* chip 666
* fine art
* castle with a moat or fairytale castle
* Viking names
* 5 fruit and veg a day

These searches do actually reach posts – usually from long ago. Sometimes I have to search this site myself, to find any post relating to a weird search term, because the idea that some particular searches brought anyone here seems inherently unlikely.

If we’d known that we’d hit the popularity motherlode with these topics, maybe we should have had the foresight to make the target posts more interesting.

I’m taking the opposite tack and using these words – nay, even tagging with them – just for the comedic satisfaction of seeing the number of hits go through the roof today. I.e., a day when there is no actual content in the post.

So, sorry, if you came here because of one of these search terms. Just think of yourself as taking part in a non-peer-reviewed experiment with the nature of internet “popularity.” Without any analysis of the results, either. But then, this experiment won’t give rise to any spurious pseudo-science or pseudo-consultation in the media, so it’s all good.

Regressive search algorithm

I’ve decided to confuse the hell out of the Google search process by posting the top search terms that have been bringing people here recently. This should bring even more people here for no apparent reason.

Schwarzenegger saw some nice houses when he passed  Bodiam Castle on his way to Stonehenge. He was wearing the blacklisted  chip 666, taking medicine and watching Charlie Brooker on the Wire.

See we believe in giving the public what they want.   We aim to please.

(Hint to people that came here before as a result of one of these searches. There are indeed posts with these words in.  Use our own search engine to find them….)