Compare the faith-fulness of these Orthodox rabbis with the prosaic Church of England recognition that holy water is not actually holy enough to stop the spread of swine flu.
According to beliefnet, a planeload of rabbis and mystics held an airborne prayer meeting to ask their god to spare Israel from swine flu.
Flying Rabbis Pray to Save Israel from Swine Flu
JERUSALEM – A planeload of Israeli rabbis and Jewish mystics held an airborne prayer meeting in the belief that it could help check the spread of swine flu in Israel, an Israeli newspaper reported Tuesday.
The Yediot Ahronot daily said a plane with 50 people on board circled over Israel on Monday, with the passengers chanting prayers and sounding the ritual ram’s horn. (From beliefnet)
A plane? Why did they have to get in a plane?
I can only assume it’s to get closer to Him Upstairs, in a touchingly childlike belief that their god actually lives in the sky.
In which case, I suggest that it might be easy to get funding for a few manned space missions, if the astronauts promise to pray fervently once they’re out of earth’s atmosphere.
Despite having fallen victim to the dread disease (for which I got free Tamiflu, courtesy of the NHS, :-p to US Republicans) I never realised that swine flu had a religious dimension. But the rabbis are not alone.
Here are a few swine flu magic stories, transmitted to me by the magical powers of Google Loki .
An Imam claimed that swine flu affirms the power of the Koran. He assumed muslims couldn’t get it because they don’t eat pork or work with pigs. 🙂 ( Bit of an epic science fail , there.)
I guess he’s had to reconsider the accuracy of Allah’s smiting strategy by now, given that even pilgrims returning from Mecca have come down with the virus.
The god of conservative Christians was busy smiting to put a stop to idol-worship rather than pig-eating. Republican faith Chat said:
,,,but let’s face it: God doesn’t punish nonbelievers today to the same degree He did in the days of old. ….. And as Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson aptly observed, 9/11 reflected God’s fury for our tolerance of abortionists and homos. But lately, the Lord’s slaughter has been limited to the occasional flood, tornado and plane crash which involve just handfuls of nonbelieving sinners. But no more! The Lord is back with a vengeance.
One of God’s favorite conduits for extinguishing evil is swine. Surely, we all remember the time that Jesus cast the devils possessing a nudist into a herd of swine which promptly drowned themselves. This time, the swine are staying alive and killing the devils, a/k/a Mexicans, a/k/a Catholics, a/k/a cultists, a/k/a idol-worshippers.”
(Ok, I admit it, this one must be a spoof site.)
Buddhist normally get off relatively unscathed in this column but this suggests there’s a publicity-hungry lunatic fringe in every religion.
Taiwan Buddhist master says swine flu is warning for mankind
A Taiwan Buddhist master said Thursday that swine flu is “the earth’s warning” to human beings to stop destroying the environment. Master Cheng Yen, 72, nicknamed Taiwan’s Mother Teresa for her charity work, gave the warning in her daily speech to her disciples around the world.
Choked with tears, Cheng Yen said it is not a coincidence that it was exactly this time six years ago that severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS, broke out. (from Earth Times)
(I love the idea that “Taiwan’s Mother Teresa” is a nickname. You’d think it was much easier to say “Cheng Yen” )
Anyway, she thinks that everyone becoming vegetarian and looking after the environment would prevent swine flu.
Damn, I’m impressed. You survived a smiting from the Lord! Maybe I ought to start worshiping you.
It was referring to the possessed man as a “nudist” that gave it away, wasn’t it? Still, Poe’s Law and all that. I tend to fall for spoof sites. I guess the extreme gullibility of my youth hasn’t been totally annihilated (yet).
I tend to fall for spoof sites as well. Sadly this is because I visit WingNut Daily, and if that madness is legit anything can be…
TW – I was raised in a wingnut house by a wingnut preacher, doing wingnut things for wingnut reasons with wingnut beliefs in wingnut stories, and went to wingnut schools in a wingnut state in a wingnut country in a wingnut world.
Poe’s Law is totally valid.
the H1N1 or Swine Flu Virus is very scary at first but now it is well controlled by vaccines and prevention by avoiding going into places with incidence of swine flu.
H1N1 or Swine Flu is a bit scary but it a good thing to note that this virus is not that very deadly. .
It’s not very deadly if you’re an adult in generally good health. If you’re pregnant, young, very elderly, or otherwise have a compromised immune system, you should get the vaccine. It was really fun to see Bill Maher get schooled for his antivax beliefs recently