HDR – how to make one and why

HDR  - how to make one and why

HDR – how to make one and why,
originally uploaded by Mixmaster.

This is an interesting “picture” on Flickr. Basically put it explains how to make a high dynamic range (HDR) image and gives loads of links where people can find tutorials and further advice.

There seems a reasonably strong opinion that HDR “cant” be made from a single exposure and while I can see the argument I suspect it is stuck on a bit of a purist-obsessive definition of what an HDR image is.

If you have photoshop, get hold of DCE Tools and see what can be done with a single image…

2 thoughts on “HDR – how to make one and why

  1. I never meant to imply you could do the same with one RAW file as you could with multiple exposures. The point is, “HDR” does not mean a set number of exposures, it just means the high dynamic range effect – something which DCE Tools is able to recreate with one raw file.

    For example, depending on the situation you could take a range of RAWs from -5 to 5 at 1/3 stop increments – would that be more of an HDR file than one taken with the “standard” three (-2,0, 2) exposures?

    There is no hard and fast way of saying how many images are needed for a file to be “HDR,” so as I see it, it is just purist pedantry to say a single RAW cant make an HDR Image.

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