The power of prayer

The Pope made an apparently unprecedented call on Catholics to pray for ever to get rid of paedophile priests.

Wow. That looks as if it will be about as effective as the Church’s previous efforts then….. Seeing as prayer is so useful to regrow limbs, for iinstance.

It appears that the praying will be a job. Every parish is supposed to appoint someone. What a wierd role that would be.

6 thoughts on “The power of prayer

  1. (I’ve already left this comment, in a slightly different context, at Spanish Inquisitor. But it’s really apropos here, too.)

    The Pope should have quoted that famous children’s hymn :
    Jesus loves me, I suspects,
    ‘Cause the priest and I had sex.

  2. For further enlightenment and knowledge, you can download a free copy of the
    Quran (with
    interpretation of the meanings) at the site.

  3. Abe, thanks for the link to the Quran download however I think you may have missed a lot of the point of both this post and this blog.

    Also, it is interesting that a site which offers such “enlightenment” feels the need to have so many “Content Link” adverts in…

  4. Pingback: Ghost Busters » Why Dont You Blog?

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