Early Christmas presents from America

All you Yanks know this, but still I want to post good news sometimes.

The Guardian reports that Congress is “About to clash with Bush on Torture Techniques.”

Senate and House officials have included the ban on waterboarding – condemned by human rights groups as a form of torture – in their respective bills authorising 2008 spending for intelligence programmes.

This adds to the Habeas Corpus action on Gitmo and the new rules to put at least some control US “security” firms in Iraq.

Plus the apparent stepping back from a war with Iran, which is the best news of all. Thank you,Toutatis.

(Note mention of suitable Druid deity. For the Exterminator)

10 thoughts on “Early Christmas presents from America

  1. The tide is slowly turning. Sense is slowly returning to policies. It will take Bush leaving to end the era of faith based policies, like holy wars, torture, and suspension of Habeas Corpus.

  2. Mojoey said: It will take Bush leaving to end the era of faith based policies.
    I’m not as optimistic as you are. All the candidates of both parties have their tongues way up the arses (as the Brits spell it) of the religious right. Although no candidate has come out and said it in so many words, this sucking up to the most nutball religionists implies that there will be a quid pro quo. I doubt that the faith-based policies will disappear, no matter who gets elected.

    I hope I’m wrong.

  3. In my eternal ignorance, I had never really heard of Huckabee before today. Today I read a newspaper article on him, his politics and most worrying of all, how he was becoming quite popular.

    I honestly hope to Toutatis this last bit is not true….

  4. Huckabee is the fundie candidate. He has little change of making it as president. I do not hold much hope for the other republican candidates either. Most are very religious – except Rudi. He’s more like a secular catholic who panders to the religious right for votes. Republicans are going to loose big in this election. the Democrats are not a religious bunch, so no worries.

  5. Pingback: America, you are getting really scary » Why Dont You Blog?

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