Creationists Say the Stupidest Things

Hot on the footsteps of my previous post, I have carried on looking over the latest rantings posted on FSTDT. This led me to a wonderful link to a Hovind movie on’s Stage6. I’ve linked to it here, so you can watch the video if you want – personally I have seen enough of his cretinous nonsense to not bother.

On the FSTDT, they have taken someone called “MovieSelect” to task over part of a comment. Namely this bit of idiocy:

Why do christians like myself say evolution is a religion? This is easy at first science was thought as observing about the present so they became facts and no one could say its not true. Now people realize they didn’t only observe the present but predict the past so people find out its a religion because scientists predict the past or the future so it makes it into a theory and theory is a religion i don’t care what anybody says about that and dead bones is not evidence because they can lose form over time.

While it is funny and reasonably fundie nonsense, it was the fifth point in a stream of nonsense made by the same madman. MovieSelect opens with this headspinning reasoning:

Very informative thank you a lot to think about.
Why it proves evolution wrong is-

1. Some cells that form the baby’s hands commit suicide. In evolution theory is that cells/organisms only want to try to stay alive why then do they kill them selves? it is because the cells follow orders so then look at it this way the solider follow orders even to commit suicide for the sake of the commanders plans. So the cells follow the creators plans.

No, seriously. That is what he has written. It gives me a headache thinking about it. This is blatantly a person who has no idea what “cells” are. I suspect someone has tried to use analogy to teach him about the bodies process and he has become confused. Very confused. More importantly, it speaks of a deep misunderstanding about evolution – as is often the case with creationists. Almost a shame. Still, the strangeness continues:

2. How does the cells/organisms think for themselves if they don’t have a brain? The evolutionist theory would be they naturally follow natures law, but were did the law come from? If you create something you set rules to it that means theres a creator because before it was created there aren’t any rules because it doesn’t exist. So lets pretend evolution is right then we would not exist because theres no creator in evolution, so why do they claim there is a law?

(Why are creationists so grammatically bad? Is heather a creationist, I wonder :-)  )

This is a stream of madness if ever I saw one. First off he ask a question which has a simple answer “they dont.” However, he wants it to have a different answer, which he then goes off and critiques. It is like an uber-Strawman. From that dodgy beginning, things go really downhill.  Please let this be a parody.

Genuine madness kicks in now:

3. Is there a random chance of our existence? I say no because how can you answer this problem with out an answerer 123,473,957,430,965,743,196,749,574,590,487,595,826 + 539,476,056,790,734,635,680,953,530,579,057,035,987=? the problem doesn’t answer itself.

No, really. This is what he wrote. I couldn’t make this lunacy up. How can you answer anything without an answer? As for the basic addition problem he posted, well it is long, but it is an easy sum to add…. What sheer madness. I cant help but chuckle at how long he must have spent typing that out – you cant just mash the keys when you want to include a comma every 3 digits…

Lastly, we get:

4. Many evolutionist claim to say the world is billion years old because evolution takes a long time for it to happen so why does the baby starts from a cell to a human being in 5 months? Why is it impossible for evolution in the outside world evolve the same speed as in the mothers wound? I will tell you why because evolution is mostly incorrect with there so called factual evidence and there not facts there guesses. Of course they do have ways to sample material underground to state there age but I cant say if there right or wrong because I don’t know exactly how they sample them I do know that they compare present elements decays and relate them to old ones and state how long its been decaying but I think things decay alought faster underground then above the ground so you cant really rely on it. There must be a creator.

Babble, babble, babble. The first sentence is funny – either the crazy fool thinks evolution exists (and for some reason thinks that the development of a cell to human being is an example of it) or they don’t. Why does it take 10 hours for me to fly to the USA, when it only takes me 3 minutes to microwave a bag of popcorn would be a similar argument.

With this fourth comment, MovieSelect must have been getting really carried away. His spelling has deteriorated even more than normal, so I suspect he was typing really fast now – maybe he thought this was a crushing blow against evolution. Sadly it is just disconnected nonsense.  He finishes with an isolated cry of “there must be a creator” as if everything else he has written leads to that conclusion. Sadly…

Posts like this really do make me wonder about the mental health of a huge swathe of the world. Worryingly, when you sit there and look around, and everyone else seems to be mad maybe it means you are the mad one…

3 thoughts on “Creationists Say the Stupidest Things

  1. My goodness! Have fundies never heard of punctuation, let alone science? There is also a hysterical tone to the rant, and the fundie is clearly a YECer.

    As to the science and arithmetic passed of as probabilities, science standards in the US must be horrifyingly bad. The “logic” is even worse. The problem is that creationism, and no evolution at all, was taught in many high schools until the Supreme overturned the Scopes result (1987).

    Incidentally, though, cells do ‘commit suicide’ — it’s called apoptosis and it is a finely-tuned, programmed component of normal cellular activity. Necrotic cell death is simple to understand, but apoptosis is modulated by a number of molecules and structures. When the nutter talks of a baby’s hand, I think they must be referring to the apoptotic cell death that removes tissue from between the digits — without apoptosis, we’d all have webbed hands and toes.

    I know nothing about engineering, and I know that I know nothing about engineering, so I don’t presume to tell engineers their business. The USian problem seems to be that they do not even know how little they know, and they have been so coddled that they believe that mere opinion is a valid substitute for knowledge. The educational system is geared to protect students from any *awareness* of how very little they know.

    The purpose of this lowering of the bar is promotion of self-esteem. The problem is that those without a decent education will eventually run up against the fact that they know very little, and this is harmful to self-esteem. At this point, individual can either decide to remedy the problem, or, more often, they decide to denigrate all knowledge and all experts.

    Don’t worry, it is not you who is mad, TW!

  2. I must applaud you, as you clearly have far more patience than I do, to have read and responded in some manner to this barely literate drivel. I assume that MovieSelect never got a flu shot, or had a broken bone set by a doctor, or took aspirin for a headache. . .because all of these things, and millions of others, are the results of the work of scientists and technicians who based their work on predictions derived from evolutionary theory. What a frigging moron.

  3. Thanks for the comments. It does make me giggle that nutters can spread screed like this while apparently thinking they are presenting a rational, legitimate argument.

    As an aside, I have been wondering why creationism seems more popular in the US than in other nations (dont get me wrong, it is on the increase globally, but the US is leading the way). I have an idea which I might try to formulate into a post soon, but comments / opinions welcome.

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