First off, Parabiodox has responded to my “Do Christians Have a Sense of Humour” post and it seems the answer is “yes, just a bad one 🙂 .” When I asked “Do Christians have a sense of humour? … or was he just all cut up over the death of Jerry Fallwell…“” the response was:
No. It means I can go back to watching Teletubbies again with a clear conscience.
Can’t say fairer than that, can I?
On a more serious note, following up on the sad story of the crazy “honour” killing, there is a post on which examines some of the issues from an anthropological view point (Heather, Take note). For the stronger viewer, the video footage is available from that site, although I have not watched it my self and can not comment. As an aside, if you had asked me a few years ago I would have been stunned to even think of considering Anthropology (or any social science) as a science, but I am learning to change my ways.
[tags]Yazidi, Murder, Death, Kill, Religious Intolerance, Christianity, Humour, Evil, Barbaric, Parabiodox, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Insane, Cruel, Anthropology[/tags]
“Honour killing” is one of those phrases that say the exact opposite of what they mean. How utterly DIShonourable to the human species for a mob to murder a teenage girl.
I think this crime has to be laid at the feet of gender relations rather than religion, though. Some sense of male “honour” that can be gained from successfully enslaving the females of one’s family and killing them if they step out of line…
I couldn’t watch the video. A murderous rage would have filled me, for a start. Then, my concern for the honour of the human species would have compelled me to go and beat the perpetrators to death to wipe out the shame…
(Good to see social science getting its due. 🙂 )
As I said in the previous post, this is not really a religion issue, however religion does play it’s part. It is the unreasonable deference to people’s beliefs which allow things like this to carry some level of credibility. Sadly, people find it easier to say they killed [insert name] because it was the will of God than the more honest answer.
I am sure that this sort of atrocity would take place with or without religion. Religion helps otherwise good people justify standing by or implicit tolerance.