DOS attack?

This blog started behaving disturbingly after TW’s last post. All posts just vanished. A few minutes later the content reappeared but the Atheist blogroll had become a featureless void.

A quick link to the almighty Mojoey’s site showed that the blogroll was even missing from its own home.

Pinging the blog roll brought this response:

While trying to retrieve the URL: http://www.*************ping.phtml

The following error was encountered:

Socket Failure
The system returned:

(49) Can’t assign requested addressSquid is unable to create a TCP socket, presumably due to excessive load. Please retry your request.

Your cache administrator is admin@******

Obviously, an outsider can’t tell whether this is just a server that can’t cope with the huge numbers of enthusiastically blogging atheists (:-D one can always hope) or whether it’s a DOS attack.

The lack certainly brings home what a public service it is. I do hope it’s sorted out soon.

4 thoughts on “DOS attack?

  1. Reinstated as I wont get the chance to put it back if/when it is repaired tomorrow. It certainly seems to be a problem with Blogrolling.

    I have moved the widget so, hopefully, it wont affect page loads too badly.

  2. As far as I can tell, blogrolling is down. I am trying to figure out what is going on. I’ll post an update at Deep Thoughts as soon as I find out.

  3. Fingers crossed it seems to be working again now (and I presume for a few hours.. 🙂 Damn those time zones)

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