Free Will

Coming soon there will be a peice here on “free will” debating if such a thing actually exists.

Basically, the concept of Free Will is fundamental to most organised religions and plays a big part in the concept of good and evil and the conflict between the two. Despite this, the actual existence of free will is an often debated topic. There are some philosophers who claim we have complete free will and control of our destiny and other who argue the opposite.

The concept of free will is also used to both prove and disprove the existence of (the Christian) God.

Logic demands that we either have free will or we dont. There can be no “quantum super-position” of states here were both are true.

It seems instinctively true that we have free will, but is this really the case or simply the results of our education and upbringing making one option more favourable than the other.

What are the boundaries of free will? Can free will have boundaries?

These are some of the things to be looked at – and we would love to hear your comments and opinions on the matter so please get in touch.

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Website administrator for the WhyDontYou domain. Have maintained and developled a variety of sites, ranging from simple, plain HTML sites to full blown e-commerce applications. Interested in philosophy, politics and science.