Rights and Freedoms

What rights do people have in western democracies? Are some rights more “Important” than others? Does the provision of one right mean the sacrifice of an other? Is sacrificing one right for another every justified? Can you sacrifice a “right?”

I have no idea what the answers to these questions are, however as I read through the news it seems more and more important to think about it. The UK was awash with news about ID cards last year. Generally speaking this should be abhorrent for a western democracy, however in most debates about the subject the “right to life” and “prevention of crime” were most often bandied about. Is this valid? Does this justify the loss of an assumed freedom.

Personally I think it is a load of ****, however I am but one person.

Do we have a right to life? Is this a right that is so important it must be protected above all other rights (freedom to move, freedom of religion etc.)? Are the other rights actually “rights” or just things we think are rights? For example, in the UK there is no enshrined bill of rights per se. We have an array of statutes dating back to the middle ages which establish what is expected of the people and what is expected of the government.

Now, does any of this mean we have the right to live? If we have an “inalienable” right to life, then surely that carries with it the duty to never take anothers life. How is this comensurate with a nation which at times must go to war, or with a nation that allows its police officers to kill people. Is killing someone to save others ever justified?

The philosophical issues aside, ID cards still dont win me over. If we have the right to life here and now how do ID cards help matters? Has anyone ever shown that ID cards in any way reduce crime or prevent terrorism? (no)

Does anyone seriously think ID cards are a good idea?

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