More on the Moon

After admitting my failure with a point and shoot (although the camera is more than good enough for my every day use), I found a blog which shows some of the benefits of having proper equipment.

There you can see a much better quality picture (the joys of tripods) and links to three more images on Flickr – all of which are excellent.

If I had the money I’d buy a Cannon with all the tools 🙂 (If you feel bad about my poverty feel free to Paypal me!)

Eclipse – the best I could do

Sorry about the variable quality of these photos. I did my best with the tools to hand (nothing strong enough to act as a tripod). Sorry.

Start of the Eclipse Building almost gone The moon returns Red Moon

Now, I am going to avoid making any references to the mad things going on during the eclipse before I get accused of Woo… 🙂

[tags]Photographs, Photos, Pictures, Eclipse, Woo, Lunar, Red Moon, Kodak Z650[/tags]