RIP Polly Unsaturate

It is with very sad heart I have to announce that Polly Unsaturate, the main driving force and contributor to this blog, passed away last week after a short battle against cancer.

As a result of this, it is not intended for us to ever produce any updates, new posts or changes to this blog.

The English language does not contain suitable words for how sorry we are that she is no longer with us and I hope anyone who has ever read, disagreed with or even enjoyed a post here will join us in saying that the world has become a slightly less wonderful place now she has gone.

RIP Polly Unsaturate. 1950 – 2016.

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About Site Admin

Website administrator for the WhyDontYou domain. Have maintained and developled a variety of sites, ranging from simple, plain HTML sites to full blown e-commerce applications. Interested in philosophy, politics and science.