Mysterious crop squares

Mysterious crop squares, almost certainly the work of our new insect overlords, have been discovered on Flickr images.

5 thoughts on “Mysterious crop squares

  1. Haven’t these crop circle sightings been thoroughly debunked already? I understand it can be exciting and all, but to believe they’re from aliens or, um, or new insect overloads? Lol!

  2. Ted

    I said squares.…. Those squares that people put on Flickr images with a suggestion that they photographer “crop here”. Joke seems to have fallen a bit flat, sorry…. d’oh

    Unless you are taking it one step further… d’oh again.

    In which case, I will disappear up my own anterior carapace, in embarrassment…..

  3. Ah, my mistake. I did not see a link or photo and thought you were referring to this, which happened to make its way around the Internet at about the same time.

    Don’t disappear! Nooooo!

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