BBC Trap

Here’s a link to the BBC site for the Trap.

I hate things that say they might change your life, as one of the intro pages says. (I am sure your life changes pretty much all the time, but not very much change is set off by TV programmes. Though I suppose switching from Discovery Machinery +2 to BBC for an hour on a Sunday might consitute a change of something, I hope your life isn’t that circumscribed.)

Apart from that, the BBC2 site is a good coherent introduction to the issues in the programme. Even the best TV is better if it’s supported by something you can read and think about at your own pace. And the Trap certainly requires some serious thinking.

2 thoughts on “BBC Trap

  1. This sounds interesting, I’ve heard vague mentions of ‘The Trap’, but it sounded like some sort of contrived reality-type tv show, so I didn’t investigate it any further.

    I think anything to increase awareness of this government’s penchant for turning into some kind of autocracy (if it hasn’t already) is a good thing, although I reserve the right to make up my mind about this until I’ve seen it. 🙂

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