Surely it is a joke

Well, the latest entry to the ThisHasToBeSatire department is a blog post on a charmingly named website called “Liberals Must Die.” While I found this site by chance on Technorati (good old tags, oddly this was the result of an tag search)

The post in question (Global Warming Proven False) has a picture of a snow storm and the following text:

I think this about sums it up.

The hearing on ‘WARMING OF THE PLANET’ had to be cancelled because of an ice storm.

And yet these Global Warming idiots don’t get it!

Global warming is just a lie!

I must admit that (possibly as a result of too long spent reading the blogs of the truly insane) it took some time for me to decide this site was satirical. The main clues I (eventually) picked up on were the link to the Drudge report (above) and some of the other posts. After reading the ones which at least looked overtly legitimate, I found more (eg. the Muslim Terrerists (sic) category) which I think are solid evidence the site is purely humour. Some examples:

Some say Obama is not a terrorist, and yet he has still not denied it!!Do you know he was raised in Hawaii??? That is practically a foreign country; half way to China, the original Pearl Harbor bombers! (read original)


This is so kick ass. When all is said and done, GWB could go down in history has being the President who waged the most wars of all time!! I say this… ran wants nukes, well lets give them an up close demonstration.How about a 50 Mega Ton Bomb right in the capital!! As the great Jerry Falwell said “Blow them away in the name of GOD!” (read original)

I had originally thought this was some ultra-right wing madman but on second reading, and assuming the humourous intent, it actually becomes funny. The real killer is the “Top Ten Lessons from 24” – it is hilarious.

6 thoughts on “Surely it is a joke

  1. Pingback: Jokes Blog Search » Blog Archive » Surely it is a joke

  2. Excellent blog plus truly great link from Alun in the comment above.

    Please say this is satire. I will lose the will to live if it’s true.

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