Trolling or Racism?

I had planned to not write many blog posts today but, as always, there are more crackpots out there than you realise.

Thanks to the wonders of myspace, I found this delightful person writing a blog: (as always, emphasis is mine, spelling is verbatim)

Are you ever sick of turning on the tv and seeing rappers or the news that a black person has killed another black person? I sure know that I am. I just want to get one thing clear in no way am I a raccists, I am just very proud to be white, and I have ever right to be.

I am so sick of going down to the corner shop and seeing the people working there, they are all immagrants and what makes its even worse is that I grew up going to that shop, my fathers friend used to own it.

I love my race and I really dislike things that destroy it like gays and jews. These are only my views on the matter but in my opinion the jews promote race mixing and the gays stop reproduction of the race. How can my race continue if we are mixed with other race’s as in a black man married to a white woman, if they have a child it will not be part of the white race. Do you see my point and why I am angry please feel free to object to my views I really am doing this to see some opposing views on the matter. thats all from me. Bye

Amazing. I am not sure where to begin with this. Part of me feels that this is just a lame attempt to get a mini going as I struggle to believe people can hold this sort of view point. Sadly, a larger part of me realises that people can (and do) think like this for real.

Before I begin, there is nothing wrong with being proud of your race or skin colour (or hair colour, eye colour, clothing choices or anything else – be proud!), but in my (humble?) opinion this person is (despite their claims to the contrary) racist. I wish that more people who were “White and Proud” would learn to spell or buy spell checkers.

It is interesting that this person is a White Australian, pretty much an immigrant himself, yet he obviously objects to others following in his footsteps. I am sure the native Aboriginals feel the same about him. It may well be a shame that his father’s friend sold the shop, but such is the capitalist market.

The bit about Jews hits the crackpot marker full force. One of the more common arguments against Jews is they are rabidly against “intermixing” so this is a new one for me. I am still not convinced you can class Jews (let alone homosexuals) as a racial category, but this person seems to attempt it. As for the mixed race parentage, this person obviously has little (or no) understanding of how his skin colour came to be or where his origins stem from. I suspect he treats anything more than 1500 years back in history as some magical time where people were like fairies or something.

It is interesting that this person seems obsessed with skin colour as being a marker for some “higher” meaning which must be defended at all costs. I feel compelled to say the Australian government should request its educational establishments give their money back.

I would like to try and avoid an ad hominem or appeal to ridicule in my dismissal of his commentary but reading his profile on MySpace gives some insight:

Peter’s Interests
General War, Crime, tattoo’s and music.
Music Slayer
Films Pulp Fiction
Television Haven’t watched in 15 years
Books Combat manuals.
Heroes Myself

All that is left for me to say is, visit his site and comment if you have a MySpace account. I don’t, and will die first, but it really does seem like MySpace is a breeding ground for solid crackpottery in the “Religion and Philosophy” categories.

1 thought on “Trolling or Racism?

  1. Trying to put it very very mildly, Oh dear. oh dear.
    The fake belligerence would be touching in its suggestion of someone who’s probably afraid of his own shadow , if it wasn’t for the likelihood that he is also obviously a danger to others.
    Even if it’s done just to be “controversial” it makes you feel sick.

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