Some links

As always, weekends are hard going on the blog so as a cop out, I thought I would point you in the direction of some of the other blog posts I have been reading, rather than actually writing any.

Hilaly does it again, but so what? From the Evolving Thoughts blog, this is a reflection on the rantings of Sheik al-Hilaly and the implications Democracy has on allowing lunatics like this to rant.

What Is Evolution? An excellent blog post explaining just what Evolution is and isn’t.

David Paszkiewicz speaks out… Some follow up by PZ Myers on the objectionable creature briefly mentioned a week or so ago. In a nutshell he is a history teacher who informed his pupils they would go to hell if they didnt follow the teachings of Jesus.

I almost feel sorry for them More fom PZ Myers – this time he is commenting on people trolling on his 16 year old daughters blog trying to refute evolution. Sadly for the trolls, they are being beaten by the 16 year olds.

Accept the implications – again, you can see why Myers seems to get the most comments on science blogs! This time he is commenting on research which shows the more educated people become, the more likely they are to accept evolution (amongst other things).

Not a really diverse list, but an insight into where some of my source material comes from 🙂