Pat Robertson II

Well, it seems my last aside on this was much too hasty. Much, much too hasty. (In fact, I think I need lots of iterations of much so just accept the fact I should have waited).

I thought the End of the World in 2007 and 2000 – 2700lb leg press claims were funny enough to deserve their own little comment. I should have had a more indepth look and found the real level of insanity this covered. This man is insane. There is no other term to use, and the worrying thing is that so many people follow his word as if he does actually have a hot line to God.

This is the news item which sparked the recent round of web commentary on him, and for me to go into details about his blatant insanity would take more server space than this blog will ever be allocated.

Following up quite reasonable requests that if Mr Robertson is aware of impending terrorist attacks, “shouldn’t he inform the government like all good citizens are required” (or be prosecuted as an accomplice) and “why are an omnipotent, omniscient divine being’s messages always so vague and garbled?” there is a good blog post where Mr Roberson comes clean and admits God forced him to make the statements. At least that post is meant to be funny. The evangelical lunatics are trying to be serious!

What a scary world.