More Tag Searching…

Well, following the little gem I found with my last Technorati Tag search, I thought I would give it another shot and see what comes up under the tags.

It certainly was rewarding (again). Going to the “more posts” bit on Technorati, I found these two sites which have done wonders to reset the balance.

First off, an article by Sam Harris on, titled “God’s Enemies Are More Honest Than His Friends.” Sam Harris wrote the book “Letter to a Christian Nation” which is certainly worth reading and, as you can imagine this blog post is well worth reading. I especially like the way Sam Harris has explained why he feels he is not an “atheist” and why the term shouldn’t be needed:

As I pointed out in my subsequent book, Letter to a Christian Nation, we do not have a term for a person who rejects astrology, nor do we need one. If legions of astrologers sought to bend our public policy to their pseudo-science, we wouldn’t need to dub ourselves “non-astrologers” to put them in their place. Words like “reason,” “evidence,” and “common sense” would suffice. So it should be with religion.

There is more of his writing on and it is also worth taking a look at his “Ten Myths and Ten Truths” article.

In addition, and trying to move away from the public (almost professional) Atheists, there are some personal blogs which I found very endearing. In The God Delusion – First Impressions, “Harry” (a final year BioMed student applying for Medical School) writes:

[about Dawkins opinions on the excessive respect “religion” gets] and thus his staunch atheistic standpoint seems to me, a little too staunch …

Dawkins is, despite his claims to the contrary, an argumentative old man. While I agree with Dawkins that too often people can claim a belief as a shield against criticism, “Harry” is quite right with his other points that persuasion can yield a greater effect than provocation.

The main issue I have with this equitable approach, is that it is very, very one sided. People who are devoutly religious will often be very offensive, even threatening, towards Atheists as the lack of belief seems to carry the attendant lack of automatic respect. It strikes me that religious people could learn quite a bit from the Atheistic moral code…

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