Any signs of bias?

Normally I would try to avoid to make many blog entries based on a single newspaper article, however after posting my previous messages (The Spread Of Madness and (Un)Intelligent Design), I read the second page and found something too funny to ignore. This is a quote from Lord Pearson (Conservative Peer and ID proponent):

“Advances in DNA science show that the DNA molecule is so complicated that it could not have happened by accident. It shows there is a design behind it.”

Now I am not a biologist (evolutionary or some other kind), so I may be a bit behind the curve on this one, but what advances is Lord Pearson talking about here? I have even done a search through various online journal repositories and I have yet to find ANY evidence to support his statement. I can only assume that if Lord Pearson did say this, he has access to unpublished research (now I wonder what that could imply) or he is simply expressing his own ignorance and the argument from credulity (i.e. he can not work out how it could have happened without a designer, therefore there must be a designer….)