Getting some blog hits – SEO style

Well, we are blogging doggedly – if intermittently – here. However, it’s been a while since anyone gave us any evidence that we get read – like comments and links. So I am going to have a stab at getting closer to the top of some lists by going for what Technorato reckons are the most popular topics and tags. 🙂

So- it’s nice to meet you if you have come here because of this. Please forgive me for the underhand attention-seeking blog behaviour.

I copied these links from Technorati top searches:

Loretta Nall Pirate Bay Clay Aiken Supporting Our Troops Over A Cliff Macbook World Cup Haditha Reboot8 all mean basically nothing to me. Well, the World Cup does but you can probably get better information on thet from the feral cat that’s sitting by my PC at the moment. The feral cat definitely has better information on Loretta Nail, Pirate Bay and Clay Aitken. They sound suspiciuosly like country and western singers. Well Pirate Bay sounds like a new fbrand of White rum falvoured with some plant substance that doesn’t exist except as shampoo ingredient. Macbook- what can I say- Is it the Scottish volume? Haditha- the islamic daughter of Samantha in Bewitched? Reboot8- that’s what happens when everybody in a small office presses CTRL Alt & DElete at the same time.

Wow, this is like shooting fish in a barrel. Let’s move on to the top tags.

  • Bush A small tree. Invasive habit. Keep well supplied with oil.
  • Microsoft A company that bought up DOS and never looked back.
  • soccer This is really called “football”. The s word is basically only used by the inhabitants of a the Northern part of the American continent, who unaccountably use the football word to refer to a bastardised form of rugby in which impenetrable numbers are shouted at random at people who never put their foot to the ball. This somehow stops the rest of the world from being able to use the “football” word online, without fear of being misunderstood as referring to the other “game”
  • China This is what you put tea in. It is also used to make plates. There is an incomprehensible use of it in cockney rhyming slang. Note to farmers and toreadors- it is generally considered inadvisable to allow bulls near shops that sell it.
  • Iraq This is next to Iran. Or is that before Iran?
  • Sex This isn’t allowed on the Internet.
  • Iran See, it was after Iraq.
  • Would people like Iranian cats as much if their name had been updated when teh country was? Ditto, Iranian rugs.
  • Terrorism This is a good reason for giving up every freedom won since Runymede.

There, that was easy. Shameless but easy.

3 thoughts on “Getting some blog hits – SEO style

  1. You’re linking on very busy words, so your links will plummet down the ‘by date’ list rapidly. Tags work better when you find either a word that is searched much more often than it’s linked, or if you have an unusual combination of terms buried in the post somewhere.

    You’d be amazed to see how many people I get looking at a post on Australopithicene bipedalism.

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