More on Search Engines and SEO

Well, continuing the rampage against SEO and the companies that provide these services – today I stumbled across (note: although they do offer an affiliate service we dont have an account there and this link is without any refid or similar. Clicking it will not generate anything for us). Continue reading

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Search Engine Dominance

During this recent discourse about the All-Mighty-Google and its competitors, I got wondering. 🙂

Imagine, you are the best software coder on Earth and you have come up with a program of amazing elegance and simplicity that will spider the internet, database the results and produce a fantasic search interface. Could you compete with the main players? Continue reading

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Search engines

Google is fine but much too dominant. There should be a wider variety of styles of search engine sites with a wide variety of ways of ranking.

Google’s search criteria are anything but transparent. That is fair enough if it’s meant to stop people easily manipulating their rankings. It’s also fair enough if MSN and similar sites are always easy to find.

However, the end result is that the big sites get bigger through being the biggest. Smaller sites that may have more relevant content don’t get a chance. Who is going to look at page 379 and choose a site from there?

And sometimes, it’s almost incomprehensible why there are pages of results that bear only a passing relationship to the query string.

A reliance on page descriptions can be even worse than the older user of metatags. The description has to make some sort of sense, so it needs standard English words that contribute nothing (and, the, a, as well as introduces, presents, shows and so on). The small word limit makes it very difficult to explain anything about your content, if you have any variety in it.

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